Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Just downloaded the new Decemberists album. Love. Sounds very Tarkio like and a lot less Decemberists at the peak of their prog-rock phase (read: The Hazards of Love). For me, this is good. Have pre-ordered album on iTunes.

Also, my first purchase of the new year shall be:

I missed the boat on Fringe.

I apologize. Truly.

I saw the previews the first season, I did, but for some reason I just never got into it. About a month ago, in an attempt to delay my dissertation writing even further I downloaded the season 1 finale. I was confused, admittedly, but also intrigued. I finished the second season in two days then went back and watched the first. I have since caught up to the third season. It it, without a doubt, the best science fiction show on television. And now, I can only hope that I haven't come too late to the party, what with all the talk of its move to Friday and its probable death.

Thus, in an attempt to save it, I implore you people of the Internetz to please watch. It's awesome. Truly.